Channel: Sharing the Point

Dynamics CRM-Enabling Trace Settings with PowerShell

This post describe the way how you can enable trace in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 for debugging and troubleshooting any issue using powershell. How to Enable Dynamics CRM 2011 Trace Settings with PowerShell Log into the administrator account on your Microsoft Dynamics CRM server. In a Windows PowerShell window, type the following command: Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Crm.PowerShell [...]

SharePoint – Display a list or library from subsite to the top level site

In SharePoint 2010 and Office 365 SharePoint site its possible to show a list or document library from the sub-site to the top level site within the same site collection. But keep in mind that it doesn’t work for the reverse way- top level site to subsite. The following workaround will help you to do [...]

Office 365 Task list Integration with Outlook 2010 and Filtering

Applies to Office 365 SharePoint list and Outlook 2010. How to Integrate and Filter an Office 365 Task list with Outlook 2010 1. Navigate to the task list you want to integrate with Outlook and click Connect to Outlook from the ribbon control. 2. Click “Allow” and “Yes” consequently and finally the list will be [...]

Using SharePoint Document Library as a Network Drive

Applies to SharePoint 2010 and Office 365 SharePoint document library. How to use SharePoint Document Library as a Network Drive 1. Copy your SharedPoint document library URL for example, http://sumon-pc/sites/dc/ts/Shared Documents 2. Open Windows Explorer, right click My Computer and select Map Network Drive 3. Choose drive letter that you want to use, then enter the [...]

Setup Outlook 2010 desktop application for Office 365 Email account

This post applies to: Office 365 email account, Outlook 2010, Windows 7 Make sure your office 365email account has created and you can login to outlook web access. Now follow the steps below to connect your email account to your favorite email client. 1. Go to Control Panel>Mail and open add new account wizard as [...]

Office 365 SharePoint list – Hide a column from New, Edit form

I have a custom list and I want some columns not to be displayed on the New Item form or Edit form. The following workaround will help to achieve this without any coding. 1. Go to list settings, under general settings click Advanced settings. 2. Click Yes on the “Allow management of content types? ” [...]

SharePoint List- Show Hide List Column Using Powershell

Show/hide SharePoint list column in New/Edit form Using Powershell script First get the website URL, list name and column objects $webUrl = Get-SPWeb http://dev-pc/sites/dc $listName = $web.Lists["Projects"] $columnName = $list.Fields["Project Description"] If you want to hide the column from Edit Form then Change the ShowInEditForm property and update objects $columnName.ShowInEditForm = $false If you want [...]

Access your Inbox, Calendar, Task from Office 365 SharePoint site

If you want to access your Microsoft Exchange server email inbox, calendar and task list from SharePoint of office 365 then follow the steps below to achieve this. How to Access My Inbox, My Calendar and My Task from Office 365 SharePoint site Login to your office 365 email (Outlook Web Access) using web browser [...]

Setup a Office 365 Preview Edition Team Site in 5 Steps

After login with your office 365 preview account  navigate to Team Site from  Site . And follow the steps below to customize the team site quickly using shared calendar, project task list and announcement. Keep in mind that this just a very basic level of teamsite setup to get started with office 365, further modification [...]


I would like to inform that I have moved my blog to new site http://MrOffice365.com and no longer maintaining this (old) blog. Please feel free to visit my new blog site for your convenient. Thank you. Filed under: SharePoint

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